Compliance Infrastructure |  Regulatory Consulting Services

Hey there!  I'm Jessica! 

ECE Compliance Gurus stems from my enduring passion and dedication to transforming compliance within the childcare industry, a commitment that has developed over many years. With over 25 years of hands-on experience, I am driven to ensure that compliance serves as a bedrock of strength and reliability for my clients.

My diverse background and extensive experience empower me to approach compliance challenges from a multitude of perspectives. Armed with an educational foundation in Early Childhood Education and Technical Writing, I've transitioned through various roles—from teacher to director, and from child care owner to state licensing staff. My last tenure involved spearheading the creation of a compliance department for a larger organization, overseeing its expansion from 30 to 150 schools. Through these experiences, I've gained invaluable insights into what works and what doesn't in compliance.

Our suite of services encompasses a wide spectrum, ranging from the meticulous crafting of Policies & Procedures to guiding clients through the intricate licensing process for new child care facilities. We excel in every aspect, from setting up compliance processes and conducting audits to navigating complex situations like adverse actions and revocations.

What truly ignites my enthusiasm is leveraging our expertise to optimize and integrate compliance infrastructure comprehensively. Whether you operate a small organization with 10 schools or a large enterprise boasting 500 schools, we recognize the paramount importance of implementing seamless, efficient systems that drive proactive compliance.

Business Allies

ECE Compliance Gurus collaborates with the following organizations to offer clients the essential expertise required to design and construct comprehensive compliance infrastructure for their organizations.

Compliance Alliance

ECE Business Experts

Concierge Services connecting and integrating people, process, and technology for all your compliance needs.


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